Acceptable Use Policy
Last updated: Aug 16, 2022

In order to provide our Service to our customers and to keep our systems running smoothly, quickly and without interruption, we need to ensure that our users do not misuse or abuse our Service.  This Acceptable Use Policy (this “Policy”) describes Connectana, Pvt Ltd.’s (“Connectana”, “we”, “us”, or “our”) definition of what constitutes “misuse” or “abuse” and what sorts of activities are allowed or prohibited on Connectana’s website and mobile applications (collectively, the “Service”). We reserve the right to remove content that is inconsistent with this Policy, and/or suspend the account of any user who violates this Policy, in our sole discretion.  Capitalized terms used but not defined in this Acceptable Use Policy have the meanings assigned to them in our Terms of Service at (the “Terms of Service”)

1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

You are responsible for using the Service in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as this Policy.

2. Conditions of Use

Under no circumstances can you upload, share, submit, transmit or otherwise provide any content that:

3. Conduct Restrictions

While using the Service, under no circumstances will you:

4. Service Integrity

You may not do anything to violate the integrity of the Service, including:

5. Scraping Restrictions

Scraping refers to extracting data from our Service via an automated process, such as a bot or webcrawler. You may not scrape the Service for any purpose, including for the purposes of selling personal data, such as to recruiters, headhunters, and job boards.

6. Commercial Activity on Connectana

We understand that you may use the Service as part of your business, such as by sharing your contact information with potential customers and other business contacts, but we do not intend for the Service to serve as your primary business website. If we determine that you are generating a disproportionate amount of traffic or traffic inconsistent with the intended use of the Service, we may require that you upgrade to a paid account with appropriate pricing to be determined or impose other usage limitations.

7.  Spam and Inauthentic Activity on Connectana

Automated excessive bulk activity and coordinated inauthentic activity, such as spamming, are prohibited on the Service. Prohibited activities include:


To prevent spam, we may limit the number of texts and emails that can be sent from Connectana’s phone number and email address when sharing your business card.


For all plans, no more than 10 text messages using Connectana’s phone number and no more than 20 emails may be sent within a 15-minute period. 


8. User Protection

You must not engage in activity that significantly harms other users. We will resolve disputes in favor of protecting our user base as a whole.

9. Changes to our Acceptable Use Policy

We may update this Policy from time to time. If we decide to change this Policy, we will post those changes on this page with an “effective date” indicating when the changes will take effect. We encourage you to review this Policy periodically. If you have questions or concerns regarding  this Policy, please contact us at: