Many changes have arisen in the social and business landscape as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. For most entrepreneurs and managers, it has been difficult to meet organizational objectives and actions; That is why a question is no longer raised, it is fully affirmed: Networking has changed, and there are new rules to be more effective in the new normality.

Compared to last year and previous years, at this point in the calendar agreements were already being finalized, new negotiations were being established, and the increase in contacts resulting from face-to-face networking could be measured by participation in seminars, congresses, fairs, exhibitions, and social gatherings. Now, businessmen are struggling to stay afloat, even facing new confinement measures after the outbreaks of the disease.

Of course, the regulations that are already known to preserve everyone’s health, including teleworking, definitely mark a new era in business. This is a working modality that some already had as a habit (freelancers, for example) but nobody imagined that it would now be common in the world of work.

Being in person is no longer so necessary to achieve business success.

Face-to-face is no longer decisive to meet objectives, have productivity, etc. The screen, be it a computer, laptop, or mobile device, will progressively but quickly replace the ideal activities to create networks of contacts. Now learning the new rules of digital networking becomes more relevant. Hence, then it is necessary to rethink the ways of networking.


Believing that we have a good network of contacts is not enough at this point: we must update it, resume many forgotten contacts, and look for online ways to make it grow. It is one of the main ways we have to help the company grow even in difficult times.

There are many tools, you can start by reviewing internet search engines, LinkedIn profiles, business websites, and business portals, and perhaps even send a few texts through electronic messaging apps to confirm data.

Of the rules that we followed in face-to-face meetings, we can remember: Create a good impression, always ask for more information before new proposals or businesses, open and empathic body language and of course, personal business cards with our professional networks (especially our LinkedIn profile), emails, all updated and optimized.

It's enough? No, these recommendations must be adapted immediately to the environment we are experiencing, so that they are effective for success in this new normality.


1.      You must have your Digital Identity

At Connectana Systems we think it is important to integrate all digital marketing tools, in this way the actions of employees and managers are complemented.

And an effective tool for this is digital business cards. With an interactive digital card, you can manage one or dozens of cards in one or multiple languages. This way you optimize access to information in the correct language in an automated way, and integrate your social networks and your websites, facilitating automated and direct access.

You can easily create your digital business cards on Connectana. You can share these cards with a short link through all messaging apps, and social networks, including LinkedIn, email, and in platform chats for video calls. In addition, it generates a QR code for your card.

2.      Know the digital etiquette in Video calls

Now a safe first meeting will be a “video call”, which can be promoted by a common contact. If the call is by Skype, Zoom, Whatsapp, or another tool, the recommendation is that the video call is first generated by the mutual friend. Of course, our appearance must always be impeccable, and well presentable, and the environment that surrounds us looks as professional as possible.

3.      Optimally develop your LinkedIn

It is important to increase your activity in professional networks, in this case, try LinkedIn. Transfer face-to-face work to a digital one, interacting with publications and comments on profiles, groups, and communities related to your business area. You must optimize your profile, and look for recommendations that the same network publishes to make a very good impression when you ask to contact another member.

Connecting or requesting contact through this network means using expressions such as: “I’m glad to find you on this social network”, and “I allow myself to share this content with you” which are expressions recommended by many experts. Although for many it is a reference of several decades, with small variations you can follow the recommendations of Dale Carnegie, in his book “How to Win Friends and Influence People”.

And always remember to have your digital business cards at hand and share them on this social network. In addition, you can place it directly on your profile.

4.      Acquire new digital skills

Taking inventory of your digital skills is necessary to stay active in today’s world of work, regardless of which generation you are according to the digital “classification” (millennial, centennial, or the Z’s). There are many free online workshops to keep you updated and reduce the current digital divide.

5.      Know the etiquette rules of digital networking

If there are etiquette rules in person, there are also in digital. “Netiquette”, which can be translated as “Netiquette” (union of “net” or network and “etiquette” or label), are the rules of behavior of those who interact in digital environments. And this is very important to maintain good communication and relationships in virtual events and meetings.

The rules of digital etiquette are similar to those we know of social behavior but applied to the reality of the virtual, the interactive, and especially to maximize efforts to optimize business relationships and the new digital networking.

Respecting people’s time, being punctual, precise, and clear when we present our ideas, and developing active listening, are some of these rules.

As you have been able to read, we at Connectana Systems have many years of experience in these digital transformation issues. On our BLOGS page, you will find a lot of content to keep up to date with these topics.