QR code is an excellent marketing tool because it offers many advantages, although it is true that few companies take advantage of its benefits.

One of the main complaints by consumers to justify their lack of use is that companies do not provide additional information, but in most cases provide a link to a web page or a video on YouTube.

Currently, brands make little use of QR codes due to their great ignorance, but that does not mean that they are not effective in an advertising campaign.

Using this tool is a good way to combine online marketing and traditional marketing because we can increase the reach of our brand by offering exclusive content, company details, or discounts to potential customers.


QR codes are also known as quick response codes, that is, they are two-dimensional bar codes capable of storing thousands of digits through a dot matrix, allowing the addition of virtual information.

QR codes are images that we can scan with the camera of our smartphone or tablet to view the digital information they contain. (so better right? :) )


As they are images that must be scanned, you must have installed one of the different applications that are available for both the Android and iOS operating systems.

To read a QR code you just have to open the application, point the camera at the code, and that’s it!

There is no need to take a photo or press a button because the application will automatically recognize any QR code that you focus on with your mobile camera.

The app will work as a code reader that will show the user all the information it contains, thus facilitating immediate access to its content.


Promotions and discounts: you have the possibility of inserting a link that directs the user to a discount coupon to use in the purchase of a specific product.

Videos: you can share YouTube videos in order to explain the use of a product or provide useful content.

Downloads: downloading applications or PDF files is another alternative that will allow your business to gain customer loyalty, such as offering a manual to eat healthier.

Contact information: you can also add data such as an address, and location on google maps, telephone, email, website, social networks, and

Wi-Fi access: one of the most outstanding features of its use is to include the access password to the Wi-Fi network of your business so that customers can use their laptop or smartphone while consuming in the establishment.


This tool can be used in any marketing campaign that you carry out in your company, but like any strategy, QR codes must be used with a specific objective.

Here are some suggestions where you can apply them, and thus get the attention of consumers:

Commercial premises: in the case of physical businesses, you can place a QR code on the shop window or entrance door so that your potential customers can access the Facebook page or website.

Events: Another option is to put a QR code on the presentation of a conference or workshop to share your contact information with attendees.

Products: through the packaging, you have the opportunity to offer more information about the product or service, hold contests, and offer discounts for the next purchase.

Signage and Brochures: Here you can redirect consumers to the Facebook page to “Like”, follow us on Instagram, or any other information you want appropriate.

Public places: you can take advantage of public places where many people pass by to offer your QR code, such as bus stops, at the entrance of museums or theaters, libraries, etc.

Business cards: - Share the QR code of your virtual business card - if you want to add value you can include a QR code with all the contact information or a video presentation about your company.

You can use Connectana Systems to create your Virtual business cards and you will also have the option to share that card through QR codes.


#1 Make sure it can be scanned

If you want your customers to use your QR code without problems, you must first make sure that it works correctly on all mobile devices and operating systems.

Because, what is the use of a QR code if customers cannot obtain the desired information?

For this reason, it is always recommended to use it before promoting it in a marketing campaign, to avoid customers having a bad usability experience.

The QR code should be of a suitable size and located at eye level to be easily scanned with mobile devices because this way people will be more likely to use it.

Although it seems logical to you, there are many advertising campaigns where you can see that the size of the QR is totally disproportionate or is located in places that move, and this makes it impossible for anyone to scan it.

Remember that to scan and access the information you need to have an Internet connection, so make sure you place the QR codes in places where there is 3G or 4G coverage or a public Wi-Fi zone.

I tell you this because one of the most serious mistakes that brands make is to place a QR code inside the subway, being a place that is difficult to connect with a mobile device.

 #2 Shorten URL

It is recommended that the web addresses are not dense because otherwise the QR code will be created with numerous pixels, therefore, I advise you to use popular URL shorteners such as,, and bitly.

#3 Include a call to action

It is vitally important to always use a call-to-action when promoting a QR code so that people know the benefits of scanning it.

It is not enough to paste the QR in a visible place to facilitate its scanning, because in this way we will not be able to capture the attention of potential customers, and therefore, the success of our campaign will be null.

You must explain in a short sentence the information contained in the QR code, in order to encourage scanning and obtain a greater impact.

People don’t scan every barcode on the street, so you have to provide something relevant to get people to take action.

Some examples of these calls to action can be:

  • “Like our Facebook page”
  • “Get a 20% discount on our products”
  • “Check in here and receive a free coffee”

QR codes offer numerous advantages and benefits for our business, as long as they are used in an appropriate way, and also offer us the opportunity to personalize them for free.