Business cards can be designed freely, but there are minimum items that must be included to fulfill the role of a business card. When making business cards, it is important to carefully examine the information in advance and make selections so that you do not forget to put it on while designing.

In this article, we will discuss in detail what you should include in your business card.


If you think about it, business cards are a social tool, just like social networks, since they serve to keep in touch with the people who exchange them.

We use them to do “networking”, in professional meetings, events, or fairs, and attract new clients. They are essential to present our company, leave our mark in the business world, and prevent our name from being forgotten.

It Is the best way to get a potential client to take us home!

In this way, if someone wants to find us, or is curious to know something more about us or our business, they only have to take the card and dial the phone, write us an email, or gossip on our website.

A business card can be made by anyone. But an effective card, that is not just another one, that conveys the essence of your business and that stands out from the pile of cards that we all have at home, is not that easy.

But don’t worry, Connectana is going to give you some tips so you know how to make professional business cards. Either so that you can select the right designer, and don’t get caught in a poke, or if you have time and want to dare to make your cards.

You can also use Connectana to design your virtual business cards within just a few minutes.


First, let’s take a look at the minimum items that should be included when making a business card. Check it carefully to make sure there are no omissions.

Full name

This is the most important item to put on your business card. If the name is easily mispronounced, use furigana or add romaji.

Company name/corporation name

It is the company name and personal name that give the business card itself and the trust to the individual. Be sure to include the official name. For freelancers, the official name will be posted if there is a trade name.

Department name

If a company is divided into departments, be sure to include the department name as well.


If you have a position or title, be sure to include it. A job title indicates a person’s position and decision-making authority and is very important information in business settings.

For business cards with horizontal writing, it is written on the upper left of the name, and for business cards with vertical writing, it is written on the upper right of the name.


The address of the company, business office, and store must be entered accurately, from the zip code to the name of the building. If you rent a rental office or virtual office, please list the address there.

If you are a freelancer and have only your home address, you may omit the address.

Phone number

Include the phone number of your company, business office, or store, and if you have a company mobile phone, include that phone number. If your company is large and has a department number or extension number, be sure to include those as well.

Email address

Enter your email address used at your company or your business email address. These days, most of our communication is done by email, so don’t forget to include it.

Company’s website URL

Websites of companies, offices, and stores are one of the tools that let people know about the company and its services. By putting your website’s URL on your business card, you can appeal to the person you gave it to.

Business hours and regular holidays (for store business cards)

In the case of business cards for stores, it is helpful to write the business hours and closed days of the store.


Next, I will introduce the items that you can put on the business card only if necessary. It is difficult to list all of them, so let’s pick and choose as necessary.


Putting your company’s logo on it makes it easier for people to recognize your company at a glance.

Also, it is not uncommon for people from the same company to hand over their business cards. You can sort the business cards using the logo as a mark, so it will be convenient for the recipient.

SNS (Social networking service) accounts

If you have an SNS account for your company, product, store, etc., you can promote your company and your products to the other party in the same way as a website.

Website QR code

There are many cases where a QR code is put on a business card along with a website. Having a QR code makes it easier for people to access your site.

Management Philosophy/Catch Copy

If you post a management philosophy and catchphrase that can appeal to the company’s policies and ideas, you can appeal to your company in short words.


In the business scene, it is also important to have people remember your face. Posting a photo or portrait of your face will leave a lasting impression and will also help build relationships.


In the case of freelancers, many people post their past achievements. By posting your achievements, you can get interested and lead to the next job.

When making a business card, put together the necessary information compactly. 

There are many items that should be placed on a business card, and items that you want to include if necessary, and it is important to place them in a well-balanced manner. It tends to be a lot of text, but try to incorporate logos, illustrations, and other designs.

Of course, business cards are not meant to be filled with information. It is important to concisely summarize the information that you want to convey.