Digital business cards have come a long way since their inception. At first, they were little more than an electronic version of a traditional paper business card. Today, however, they are much more.

Digital business cards offer many advantages over traditional business cards. Instead of digging through a stack of paper cards, you can store all your digital business cards on your mobile phone.

Another advantage of digital business cards is that they can be much more interactive than traditional ones. You can include links to your website, your social media profiles, and even interactive content.

Do you want to know what features you should look for in digital business cards for 2023? Continue reading!


As the world becomes increasingly digital, so should your business cards. In such a fast-paced and changing world, it is more important than ever to have a strong network. And while it’s easier than ever to connect with people online, there’s still something to be said for face-to-face interactions.

Business cards are one of the best ways to make a lasting impression on your customers or business colleagues. They help you stand out from the competition and leave a lasting impression on potential customers. However, with the advent of digital business cards, there are even more reasons to make sure your business card stands out.


Having digital business cards can provide you with many advantages as compared to traditional business cards. Here we share the basic and necessary functionalities that your digital business cards should have by 2023:

QR code

A QR code is a two-dimensional barcode that can be read by mobile phones and other devices. QR codes are often used to provide people with information about a product or service, such as a website URL or a coupon code.

Including a QR code on a digital business card is a great way to ensure potential customers can instantly access your information.

Contact information

Of course, a digital business card should include your contact information, such as your name, phone number, email address, and website URL. You may also consider including additional information, such as your job title or a brief description of your business.

Links to your social media profiles

Including links to your social media profiles is a great way to make sure potential customers can easily find and connect with you.

Branding of your company

Connectana’s digital cards can become a vital part of your company’s branding efforts. They allow you to establish an online presence and connect with potential customers in new ways. Your corporate branding can go digital and continue with the presence of your organization’s digital assets.

Interactive content

Your digital business card should be more than just a static image. Include interactive content, such as links to your website or blog, social media profiles, or even a map of your office location. This way, card recipients can connect with you long after they’ve received it.

KPI tracking

As the world becomes more digital, it’s important to have a way to track your success. This is why you should include a QR code on your digital business card. This code can be used to keep track of how often your card is scanned, as well as who is scanning it. This information can be very valuable to know what works and what does not.

They must be multi-language

Digital business cards need to be available in multiple languages ??to reach a larger audience. For example, if you are targeting Russian-speaking customers, you will need to ensure that your card is available in both English and Russian. This will ensure that everyone who receives your digital business card can read it.

No need to access apps

One of the great advantages is that you don’t need to download any app to have it on your mobile and neither do your potential customers.

Unification with email signature

Your digital business card must be unified with your email signature. So, every time you send an email, your contact information will be included automatically.

Include a CTA

A call to action (CTA) is a statement or action that encourages recipients of your digital business card to take some type of action. With our business cards, you can include an attractive CTA.

Fully customizable

Digital business cards must be fully customizable. This way, you can include all the information you want your potential customers to see. You can also change your card as many times as you want, without having to print new copies every time since with Connectana you can update your branding and data immediately.

Easily shareable

Digital business cards should be easy to share. If you know someone who might be interested in your product or service, you should be able to quickly send them your card. The easiest and quickest way to do this is to use a QR code. The best? You have unlimited deliveries.

They should reduce your environmental impact

Digital business cards are the trend of the future, and there are plenty of reasons to make the switch. They are more comfortable, more interactive, and more respectful of the environment. Just imagine that you won’t have to print hundreds of cards.

In 2023, make sure your digital business card has all the features listed above to stay ahead of the competition.

In today’s digital world your business cards should also be digitalized. Digital business cards are a great medium to successfully digitalized your networking. Enter 2023 with the necessary tools for a digital transformation. Contact us to find out how our digital business card can make a positive impact on your organization.