Networking is an essential business tool for getting useful connections and solving professional and personal problems. Useful contacts are a kind of investment in the future, which help in business development and career building. We will learn how to make the necessary contacts, how networking has evolved, and what to read on this topic.


Networking – the word itself sounds mysterious and newfangled for an ordinary person. However, in any business community, you can hear that networking is a progressive way of building business connections. In simple words – it is the ability to make acquaintances with the right people for career development.

Networking is based on the theory of six handshakes. Every person knows every other person through five others. This is, of course, a figurative definition. But in a specific business niche, it is. For example, a foreman through a network of five acquaintances – a chief engineer, a deputy head, a head of an enterprise, and a managing partner – can contact the business owner.


Building a network of business contacts begins with long and comfortable communication with the person you are interested in. In a relaxed atmosphere, you can find out what the conversational partner does, talk about your business, hear the opinion of the other person and share your experience. Such contact will be useful for you and your conversational partner.

Networking is used in business communities, freelancing, and any professional circles with similar interests. The right environment makes it easier to build a career, motivates you to work, and reduces the time to achieve success. Without the help of professional contacts, it is often impossible to break through the ceiling of professional growth.


Networking has always been part of a successful business strategy. Without networking, business sales, business development, and growth would be limited. Since time is immemorial, people have networked to form meaningful relationships. Whether it’s to exchange goods, start a business, or sell a product, networking is necessary for the development and growth of any business.

Today, networking has changed radically. Both individuals and businesses use digital technologies to achieve their goals, promote their products, and generate revenue.

Trade shows and expos were common networking venues where you could visit the companies you were interested in, connect with their representatives, discuss the market and industry trends, and do business. But the events that have rocked our world over the past two years have turned the way people and businesses connect upside down, prompting us to embrace telecommuting, transform our work habits and blur the lines between digital and blurring personal relationships.

Businesses have been forced to embark on a digital revolution, sometimes against their will, but that hasn’t necessarily been a bad thing. For example, when trade fairs and exhibitions could no longer accommodate large numbers of participants, the organizers quickly switched to digitizing their trade fairs and exhibitions via webinars, digital conferences, and virtual trade fairs.

So, what does the networking topography look like today, in 2022?

Well, a big part of networking starts online. Gone are the days of waiting at big exhibitions and fairs to socialize and going door to door hoping to land a meeting or deal.

“We live in a world that is always connected, where business connections are made 365 days a year, seven days a week, 24 hours a day.”

The benefits that digital technologies have brought to both individuals and businesses are numerous and vital to today’s economy.

Remember your LinkedIn profile; when you network with like-minded people or potential prospects, engage with them in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Social media never stand still, they are constantly fed with new posts, images, texts, and links. Of course, our expectation of having everything we want at the touch of a button has changed our consumer behavior. As a result, we’re less patient, better informed, and expecting the best.

Think of your company’s website, which provides information to visitors, prospects, and customers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Technology allows you to make connections even when you’re out of the office or asleep, whether through informative content, blog articles, self-service chatbots, or contact forms.

Webinars and virtual trade fairs have also increased dramatically in the last two years and are now common practice in many industries. Companies are realizing the financial benefits of attending these events compared to traditional in-person events where travel expenses (airplane tickets, hotels, and restaurants) add up significantly. Online events also have lower costs than traditional events as there are no physical requirements such as booths and staff expenses. Also, these virtual events can appeal to a larger audience than traditional trade shows.


Tip 1: Make the first impression

Whether online or in person, this statement remains true in every scenario. When a visitor lands on your virtual business card, social media, or website, you only have a few seconds to ignite that first spark. When you tailor your content to your target audience, you’re taking the first step in making a lasting impression on visitors and getting them to start a conversation. Make sure your information is professional, relevant, and up-to-date.

You can use the Connectana app to professionally design your virtual business card and make a lasting impression on another person.

Tip 2: Don’t demand something right away

Offer value instead of demanding it. Building links online can be easy, but that doesn’t mean there’s no etiquette. As in real life, you’ll rarely start a conversation with a request for a favor if you don’t know the other person. Instead, start laying the groundwork for future possibilities. Show your contacts that you are serious about building and maintaining the relationship in a win-win situation that you and your contact can capitalize on.

Tip 3: Set a goal

It’s often forgotten to set a goal against which to measure your success at what you do. This can be the frequency with which new connections are made, e.g. five new connections per month. This may include searching for the top three companies in your target network and connecting with the key people in those companies. Whatever your goal, state what you want to achieve and set SMART goals.

Tip 4: Use the right tools to build a digital network.

Whether it’s a combination of tools like LinkedIn, Xing, Instagram, or Conmectana, choose the tools that give you the most effective way to reach your target audience. Sometimes platform restrictions can hamper your networking efforts. Choosing the most appropriate tools will therefore be crucial to making meaningful connections. With Connectana you offer your network an easy way to access your favorite digital channels and selected content, which allows your potential customers to connect with you.


Our hyper-digital world, where we consume everything at our fingertips, has reshaped the way we build relationships. If you find out about the latest trends in your industry, set SMART goals, and use digital tools like Connectana, you are on the right track to building an effective network in our digital world.