A digital business card to advertise your company is the advantage of Connectana. Most professionals keep their business cards in their wallets or briefcase to share with potential clients during visits or networking events. While paper business cards are still widely used, virtually all of the information they contain is digital: email, website, phone numbers, LinkedIn, social media, etc.

Wouldn't it be more efficient to use a digital solution to share this digital information?

We believe it's faster and easier for your recipients to give them an easy way to accurately store all of your digital information rather than re-copying it.

Digital business cards are the new networking tool and offer many benefits. You may think you don't need them or that your business is too traditional, but we'll show you how to use this new tool and why you should replace your paper business cards.


In a world that is becoming increasingly digitized, much of the networking happens online. Whether it's via Zoom, Microsoft Teams, LinkedIn, social media, or your website, the days of in-person networking are slowly disappearing. It's a great way to publicize your company's digital details and business information. Whether you're sharing your digital business card's QR code or unique link, you can reach anyone, no matter what device they're using.

Here are some of the reasons why you should use Connectana’s business cards.

Business cards contain digital details

Before the internet and the highly digitized world we live in today, your business card usually contained your company address, your name, your position, and maybe a phone and a fax number. The only digital information at the time was the phone and fax numbers.

Many companies today integrate digital information such as websites, social media, emails, etc. Therefore, a lot of information has to be manually copied to the recipient's device.

Make it easy for your recipients

Connectana provides an easy way to store contact information quickly and accurately, right in the recipient's address book, with a single tap or click.

Digital solution to promote digital channels

When you network, you want people to be able to access your business information as quickly as possible. If you wrote your email address on a paper card, someone would have to open their email app or address book and manually type in your email address, leading to typos and potential errors.

With Connectana’s Interactive Business Cards, store your information with a simple touch or click. You can view all your social media links, websites, emails, phone numbers, WhatsApp, company videos, product portfolios, etc. Recipients can click links and be directed to your digital channels quickly and accurately. Additionally, since these are external links, this is great for your SEO ranking as you will get more clicks on your links.

Reduce the use of paper business cards

Think how many business cards you've received over the years, probably thousands.

What are you doing with them? Do you usually throw them away when you don't need them or can't use them?

In most cases, you won't even look at them until you need the company's product or service, and then they most likely end up in the trash. This happens every day and is a colossal waste of paper and resources.

Wouldn't it be better to switch to an eco-friendly digital business card that allows you to promote your business from any device?

Connectana Business Cards have a lower carbon footprint than paper cards and offer many benefits such as Performance analytics, two-way contact exchange, centralized provisioning, and management of users, to name a few. On the other hand, physical cards are consumable products that can only be used once. So, they are unsustainable and wasteful, causing extra work for the recipients to whom they are issued.


Now that we've covered the benefits of digital business cards, you may be wondering how I make the switch.

Connectana offers several products

Free trial – Our free digital business card is designed for people who want to start reaping the benefits of going digital. By offering a free digital business card, we want to reduce paper waste, make a concrete contribution to environmental protection and offer our users a product with added value for the development of their business.

Basic – for business individuals looking for creating their business cards.

Professional - For SMBs and business professionals looking for advanced features, it provides everything needed to start deploying, managing, and using digital business cards.

Business - For large companies with hundreds or thousands of employees.

Connectana is a cloud-based web app, so you don't need to install any app or software to display your digital business card. Instead, you can insert your unique Connectana link in your email signature, insert your digital business card QR code in brochures and sales literature, or share them directly via SMS, WhatsApp, Signal and much more!

If you don't already have a digital business card, now is the perfect time to create one.

For those who are more reluctant or prefer a hybrid solution, you can integrate your digital business card QR code into a sustainable physical card.

It's simple, effective, and adapts to the needs of your business.


There are many ways to use your business card. Whether it’s on digital channels like email signatures, sales collateral, posters, or on your social media profiles – there are many ways to use them.

Here are some ways you can share and use your interactive business card:

  • Include your link in your email signature.
  • Add your QR code to the background in video conferences and meetings.
  • Share via SMS, WhatsApp, Telegram, etc.
  • Share from your smartwatch with Apple Shortcuts.
  • Automatic sharing via Siri with Apple Shortcuts.
  • Add your unique link to your team’s page on your website.
  • Add your QR code to your sales materials, brochures and presentations.
  • Add a link to your business card on your Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media accounts.
  • There are many ways to share your Connectana business card; find the method that works best for you and your business.