Claiming your card from a Connectana Company Account invitation

Step 1: You will receive an invitation to claim a card from Connectana.

Step 2: Click on the claim your card link.

Step 3: If you have no previous Connectana account you will be prompted to sign up. If you do have a previous Connectana account under a different account you can link the two accounts.

Step 4: Once you sign up you will immediately have access to your new Connectana card and account. 

Step 5: Check the details on your claimed card are correct. If you have access to edit you may do so. If not you may need to contact account administrator to edit for you.

Step 6: You may now share your card.

Step 7: You may download the Connectana Digital Biz Cards App from your Play. Store (Android Users) or App store (iPhone Users).

Step 8: You can sign in the App using your account logins and share your card.

Step 9: Spread the word. Tell someone to get a Connectana Digital Card now.