Managing users/employees in your Connectana Company Account

Step 1: You cannot access a Connectana Company account via APP. You can only access Company accounts via Web Access only for security purposes.

Step 2: Login to your Connectana Account.

Step 3: At the top right of your website you will see the account name and the title “INDIVIDUAL or COMPANY” to show whether the account being administered is an individual account or a Company account.

Step 4: On the company main dashboard you will be able to see how many company cards have been created. 

Step 5: On the company main dashboard you will be able to see who you have send invitations to.

Step 6: On the company main dashboard you will be able to see who has claimed the invitations and who has not.

Step 7: On the company main dashboard you will be able to resend an invite if a user has not claimed the invitation on time.

Step 8: On the company main dashboard you will be able to delete a user. This will automatically revoke the user’s access to the card created by the company.

Step 9: On the company main dashboard you will be able to see every user card and enable or disable the user’s ability to edit. You will also be able to edit user cards. 

Step 10: On the company main dashboard soon you will be able to see the analytics for every user card.

Step 11: Spread the word. Tell someone to get a Connectana Digital Card now.